Let us show you the various methods to protect your estate from creditors and predators.
Our philosophy is that every client of ours has a solid, comprehensive foundation that provides estate protection from various creditors and predators that can destroy an estate.
Our services assist you with creating a secure and financially sound estate. Our network of professionals will provide you with the necessary legal foundation that can insulate your assets from:
Probate courts
Future care costs
Family members suffering from entitlement
Even if you already have estate-planning documents, we highly encourage you to allow our team to review your documents for a full assessment at no cost. Most people we meet do not have adequate asset protection in their estate plans, as they were created really only to avoid probate.
There is much more to asset protection than avoiding probate. Many of our plans have provisions for protecting assets from liability exposure and the high cost of future care. Is your estate-plan all it can be? Let’s find out!
Why Use Estate Protectors?
Estate Protectors services compliment and go far beyond what an attorney’s office will provide you.
It is through our experience and relationships with other advisory professionals that puts us in the position to ask for, “the opportunity to manage all of your estate, financial, insurance and aging needs”.
The intention of Estate Protectors is to create a close relationship with our clients so they feel confident with us managing all facets of their estate and financial needs. We operate as the Estate Quarterback, communicating with the family, while coordinating the efforts of other professionals.
Please contact our office for an Estate Plan Review and let us determine whether your affairs are in order and your legacy is protected.